Saturday 7 June 2014

hungry for books.....

What would you do if Children asked you to get them cardigans/sweaters for the wet weather and to top it up, wrote a list of books that they wished to have for their studies? You can help provide the books and sweaters for the children of Tumaini (HOPE) Christian Academy by making a donation online or sending the items to them. Contact the administration at

You gift matter to these children. Oblivious of the future, they are happy to learn and be in school. Will you help them?

donation amount
number of children

Feeding on soil/earth for dinner.

Ever since Tumaini (HOPE) Christian Academy opened its doors, we have had staff come and after a shot stay, quit. The greatest reason cited is that there is no monetary value for them in it. I agree. We do not, at the moment, have money to hire and retain highly competent staff. But we are ever thankful for the one lady who has sacrificed her one year to stay and help. There have been other volunteers too who have come and gone. It would be best if we could have another person full time with whom the kids could bond and get their pupillage from.Volunteers can chose the most awkward of moments to leave.

Abner. One of the boys that was abandoned.
Such was the case last week. Having no one to fill in, I dropped everything I was doing and against most people's expectations, spent some time in class with the young boys and girls. We had a really great time learning the alphabet and sounds, and playing games. None of the kids had brought any snack with them. I ordered three chapatis (bread like stuff)from the local village restaurant, the kind that only prepares a specific menu of mainly chai and bread day in and day out. These were shared among the kids, and come lunch time, I realized that there were a few who did not want to leave. They did not have anywhere to go and eat. Upon further inquiry, I learned that there were two boys who lived with their under age brother who was the bread winner. Their parents abandoned them long ago. Most nights, they boys kindle a fire and bake earth/soil/dirt for dinner, just to calm the rumbling tummy's loudly asking for a meal. Occasionally there are well wishers who give them meals. But these kids cannot afford anything, and they are almost always dropping out of school.

It is children like these that the school was put up for. We need you to help us feed them and give them a basic education. We need you to help us train them into better individuals who can sustain themselves in the future. We need you to help show these children that there is HOPE even after many have abandoned them. You can help by sharing their plight, or even by making your online donation that will go in purchase of food or books for these children. We can be the light that shines in a dark world, in a village swallowed by the monster of alcoholism and abject poverty. We are the ambassadors of Christ. Make your donation below, and we appreciate your one time gift or recurring support. You can use the email for any info regarding what we are doing here.

Tumaini Christian Academy

donation amount
number of children