Wednesday 8 October 2014

TCA Update

We at Tumaini Christian Academy would like to thank you for your prayers and encouraging words that mean so much and are dear to us. When we started, we were green, so to speak. With zero experience, minimal finances that have dwindled, and with tones of hope, we faithfully said yes to the call of God in our hearts and lives.

It has not been easy, but then again, the easy way is not always the right way,  nor the required way. Providing education and occasional meals to twenty three children is an experience that no one can ever adequately prepare for, more so in a rural village tucked inside the slowly expanding peri-urban center that is Kisii County, in Kenya. 

Demonstrating the Christian life and the gospel will not always be understood in a populace whose primary concern is the next 'bout' of binging on alcohol, or trying to survive the day amidst the unforgiving poverty. Education loses relevance, and with it, so does the hope of some youngsters desperately trying to drink of the fountains flowing from books. These books are scarce, and teachers are even scarcer. 

What shall we do then? Do we close shop and say we gave it our best shot? On the contrary, our ministry to God is not based on our ability to please, or perform, but rather on the level and depth of empowerment bestowed on and in us. We, Christians, are the most versatile and diverse of people God has placed here. The term peculiar comes to mind. We are a one stop shop for ministry when we come together and look beyond the individual peculiarities and see Jesus, and the sweet words saying 'go forth and make disciples' fuel our desires.

We don't have to wait till we are a bag of bones to serve. We can do it and should do it while our strength still remains. We demonstrate obedience and love for God when we carry out his commands, that as each has received a gift, use it to minister to others, not self. For this reason, among many others, I ask you to not allow yourself to be dull or numb to the need to keep the flame of the gospel burning and bright. Christianity does not spread or grow in church pews, but it does when someone goes out and shares the good news with those that are yet to know Jesus, the kids in the village and the villagers still trying to play rural politics in drunken evenings. 

I call upon you to work with me in changing lives, in a life change mission through education. Lets teach these children how to read, lets teach them how to study. Lets show them Jesus.

Tumaini Christian Academy

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